Friday, June 24, 2011

US v PO3 :: Judge Alone - June 2011

CHARGES: Article 86 (3 specs AWOL); Article 112a (1 spec wrongful use of d-amphetamine)

PLEA: NOT GUILTY to all charges and specifications at BCD Special


RESULTS OF TRIAL: NOT GUILTY to Article 86 (all specs); GUILTY to Article 112a

SENTENCE: Reduction to E-3, 90 days confinement

US Navy

Friday, June 3, 2011

US v CPO :: Officer Panel - CNRSE - June 2011

CHARGES: Article 92 (5 specs fraternization; 1 spec allowing minors to consume alcohol); Article 120 (2 specs wrongful sexual contact); Article 134 (2 specs obstructing justice)

PLEA: GUILTY To 4 specs fraternization; NOT GUILTY to all other Charges/Specifications at GCM


RESULTS OF TRIAL: NOT GUILTY to Article 120 (1 spec); GUILTY to all other charges/specifications

SENTENCE: Reduction to E-5, 60 days confinement, 60 days restriction, 30 days hard labor, $1500 ff/month for 3 months

US Navy

Saturday, May 28, 2011

US v SSG :: Enlisted Panel - USD-Center - May 2011

CHARGES: Article 120 (1 spec of agg sexual contact, 1 spec indecent conduct, 1 spec indecent exposure); Article 120a (stalking); Article 92 (GO#1 violation for sending sexually explicit photo); Article 134 (1 spec of indecent language, 1 spec of unlawful entry)

PLEA: GUILTY to Article 92 and NOT GUILTY to all other charges/specifications at GCM


RESULTS OF TRIAL: NOT GUILTY of agg sexual contact, indecent conduct, stalking, and unlawful entry; GUILTY of indecent exposure, indecent language, and GO#1

SENTENCE: Reduction to E-5, 45 days of hard labor w/o confinement

US Army

Friday, May 27, 2011

US v SN :: Judge Alone - May 2011

CHARGES: Article 86 (1 spec 28 day AWOL terminated by apprehension); Article 107 (1 spec false official statement); Article 134 (1 spec bigamy, 1 spec wrongful subletting of gov qtrs)

PLEA: GUILTY to all charges at BCD SPCM

PLEA DEAL: time served (63 days)


SENTENCE: Reduction to E-1, FF of $1000/month x 2 months, 6 months confinement

US Navy

Friday, May 6, 2011

US v PO2 :: Judge Alone - Apr 2011

CHARGES: Art 92 (1 Spec fraternization); Art 107 (2 Specs False Official Statement); Art 111 (1 Spec DWI); Art 120 (1 Spec Aggrav Sexual Assault SI, 1 Spec Abusive Sexual Contact, 2 Specs Indecent Conduct); Art 134 (1 Spec Obstructing Justice, 1 Spec Adultery)

PLEA: NOT GUILTY to all charges at GCM

RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to Art 92, 120, 134; NOT GUILTY to Art 107 and Art 111

SENTENCE: 7 years confinement, DD, Reduction to E1

US Navy

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

US v LCDR:: Officer Panel - USCG - Apr 2011

CHARGES: Article 92 (1 Spec wrongful use of GTC); Article 107 (2 Specs false official statement); Article 120 (1 Spec indecent conduct); Article 128 (2 Specs aggravated assault); Article 132 (1 Spec filing a false travel claim); Article 134 (1 Spec adultery)

PLEA: GUILTY to Article 107; NOT GUILTY to remaining Charges at GCM

RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to Articles 92, 107, 128, 134; NOT GUILTY to Articles 120, 132

SENTENCE: 30 days confinement, to be reprimanded.

U.S. Coast Guard

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

US v SN :: Officer Panel - NAVHOSP Pensacola - March 2011

CHARGES: Article 92 (1 spec - violating lawful order); Article 112a (1 spec - use of amphetamines, 1 spec - use of narcotics); Article 121 (1 spec - steal $899, 1 spec - steal drugs from hospital)

PLEA: GUILTY to all charges at BCD SPCM

PLEA DEAL: 90 day limit on confinement, members sentencing


SENTENCE: $900 fine, BCD

US Navy

Friday, February 25, 2011

US v 1SG :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Feb 2011

CHARGES: Article 93 (2 Specs of Maltreatment of Subordinate); Article 120 (8 Specs of Wrongful Sexual Contact, Aggravated Sexual Contact, Indecent Exposure); Article 128 (Assault Consummated by a Battery)

PLEA: NOT GUILTY to all charges at SPCM

RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to all charges except NOT GUILTY to Agg Sexual Contact

SENTENCE: 12 months confinement, BCD, Reduction to E1

US Army

US v 1LT :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Jan 2011

CHARGES: Article 92 (4 Specs of prohibited relationship and 1 Spec of using email for unauthorized purpose); Article 93 (Sexual Harassment); Article 121 (2 Specs of Larceny [52" and 32" TVs and projectors [new items]); Article 130 (2 Specs of Housebreaking); Article 133 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman); Article 134 (4 Specs of Obstructing Justice)

PLEA: GUILTY to 1 Spec of Larceny, 1 Spec of Housebreaking, 3 Specs of Obstructing Justice; NOT GUILTY to balance of charges at GCM

PLEA DEAL: 13 months limit on confinement

RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY in accordance with plea; dismissal of balance of charges

SENTENCE: 20 months confinement, Dismissal, TF

US Army

US v SPC :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Jan 2011

Charge: Article 92 (4 Specs of GO#1 violations for wrongfully using, selling and transferring a substance with the intent of improper use to create an impaired state of mind [spice]; and 1 Spec of possessing a substance and drug paraphernalia with the intent or reasonable belief that it may be used to induce excitement, intoxication, or stupefaction of the central nervous system [spice]; and 1 Spec of dereliction of duty for negligently failing to maintain positive control of M-4 rifle)

PLEA: GUILTY to dereliction of duty; NOT GUILTY to balance of specifications at SPCM


RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to all specifications

SENTENCE: 5 months confinement, Reduction to E1

US Army

US v PV2 :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Jan 2011

CHARGE: Article 92 (2 Specs of GO#1 violations for wrongfully introducing, purchasing, using, and selling alcoholic beverages and 2 Specs of GO#1 violations for wrongfully introducting, purchasing, using and selling a substance with the intent of improper use to create an impaired state of mind [spice and K2])

PLEA: GUILTY to spice and NOT GUILTY to alcoholic beverages at SPCM


RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to 1 Spec of alcoholic beverages and NOT GUILTY to the other Spec of alcoholic beverages; GUILTY to spice use in accordance with plea

SENTENCE: 5 months confinement, Reduction to E1

US Army

US v SGT :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Jan 2011

CHARGES: Article 81 (Conspiracy to wrongfully dispose of military property [ammo] in exchange for alcohol); Article 92 (2 Specs of GO#1 violation for wrongfully possessing and transferring alcohol [Iraq]); Article 108 (Wrongfully disposing of military property [ammo] in exchange for alcohol); Article 121 (Larceny of military property valued over $500 [ammo est. $20,000])

PLEA: GUILTY to GO#1 violations; NOT GUILTY to balance of charges at GCM



SENTENCE: 5 months confinement, Reduction to E4

US Army 

US v SGT :: Enlisted Panel - Afghanistan Jan 2011

CHARGES: Article 107 (2 Specs of False Official Statement); Article 108 (Selling military property over $500 [sold aluminum scraps valued over $200,000]); Article 121 (Larceny of military property over $500)

PLEA: Guilty to all charges at GCM


SENTENCE: 13 months confinement, BCD, Reduction to E1, TF

US Army

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

US v PO2 :: Judge Alone (Iraq) - Jan 2011

CHARGES: Article 107 (7 Specs of sign official record during PCS move); Article 121 (4 Specs of larceny of US money in dependence allowance for travel & weight allowance for travel).

PLEA: GUILTY to Specs 2, 5, 6 & 7 of Article 107 and Specs 2, 3, & 4 of 121. (over $12,000 worth of larceny).

NOT GUILTY to remaining Specs of Articles 107 & 121.

PLEA DEAL: BCD would be disapprove; Confinement not to exceed 120 days; Reduction disapprove; FF: as adjudged ; withdraw/dismiss other charges plead NG

RESULTS OF TRIAL: GUILTY to Article 107 and Specs 2; 5; 6 & 7 and Spec 2,3 & 4 of Article 121. NOT GUILTY of Spec 1, 2 & 3 of Article 107 and of Spec 1 of Article 121.

SENTENCE: 90 days confinement; Fine $12,000 & Forfeiture of $1,000 pay per month for 4 months.

US Navy