CHARGES: Article 120 (1 spec of agg sexual contact, 1 spec indecent conduct, 1 spec indecent exposure); Article 120a (stalking); Article 92 (GO#1 violation for sending sexually explicit photo); Article 134 (1 spec of indecent language, 1 spec of unlawful entry)
PLEA: GUILTY to Article 92 and NOT GUILTY to all other charges/specifications at GCM
RESULTS OF TRIAL: NOT GUILTY of agg sexual contact, indecent conduct, stalking, and unlawful entry; GUILTY of indecent exposure, indecent language, and GO#1
SENTENCE: Reduction to E-5, 45 days of hard labor w/o confinement
US Army
PLEA: GUILTY to Article 92 and NOT GUILTY to all other charges/specifications at GCM
RESULTS OF TRIAL: NOT GUILTY of agg sexual contact, indecent conduct, stalking, and unlawful entry; GUILTY of indecent exposure, indecent language, and GO#1
SENTENCE: Reduction to E-5, 45 days of hard labor w/o confinement
US Army